Unlock Your Child's Voice with Speech Therapy!
Through speech therapy techniques such as verbal instruction aids or practice activities, children are able to enhance their language skills while improving their ability to pronounce words correctly.
Therapy Squad provides speech services to children with delays or disorders in the areas of:
expressive language
phonological and phonemic awareness
play skills
pragmatic/social skills
receptive language
augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Reach out to Therapy Squad today!
Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing quality therapy services across the Rio Grande Valley, using an interdisciplinary approach that emphasizes communication with families and constant education.
Our personalized treatment plans ensure that each individual receives the most appropriate care for their specific needs.

Pediatric speech-language pathologists work to help children communicate effectively by assisting with the improvement of their speech and language skills, as well as feeding and swallowing.
At Therapy Squad, our therapists are trained to evaluate articulation, fluency, receptive/expressive/pragmatic language skills, oral motor coordination, and feeding. They then develop a specialized treatment plan to help the child reach their speech and feeding needs.